
#16 Demons, Witches, Wizards.. Oh My

 The party left through the volcano, back underwater, and resurfaced outside of the Thieving City. Upon entering, they were bombarded with numerous sketchy figures trying to pickpocket and sell them various items and trinkets. After a few minutes of being manhandled by strangers, they were greeted by Karn. Karn called the party out by name and scared away the various thieves and introduced himself and how he was at the arena in Skolitas when the party hacked and slashed through various monsters. The fanboy invited the party back to his run down home and told the party the dangers of the city, that there wasn't much there for them but the magical item shop. He escorted the party to the shop and said these items are one of a kind and couldn't be purchased anywhere else. Well, it was a troll magic shop. After I took about 80k from the players in various items (some are actually somewhat useful) they noticed Karn speaking to a strange man in yellow robes. After the man left, they c

#15 Smoldering Volcano's Apex

 After defeating the handful of Fire Elementals, the party trekked on to find a man standing along the path to the peak. (Gave them an opportunity for a surprise round) The party rolled pretty low perceptions and just seen he was a red skinned man that looked bored. Emmley wanted to speak with the man, but he didn't care for what she had to say. As soon as they got in his line of sight, he started to hurl balls of fire at the party. The Efreeti had a few pet fire snakes that accompanied him to take some aggro off of him. The party was on a VERY thin path, roughly 10-15 wide in spots. Barbados the Barbarian and Rogar the Fighter took the front line while Niamh and Emmley struggled with vision from the back lines. Emmley decided to go prone and shoot through the large Rogar's legs landing numerous blows. Niamh hopped on Rogar's back and flung a few mistakable scorching rays at the snakes who are immune to the damage type.  Once the party managed to kill the snakes and half he

#14 The Smoldering Vertex Volcano

 After the grueling fight with Niamh's old clan, the PCs decided to head to the volcano that has started to spew bursts of fire ( not lava ). Storm clouds had appeared over the peak of the volcano, and ONLY over the peak of the volcano. Lightning began to strike into it, piquing the interest of the players. On their way to the shore closest to the volcano, they noticed a strange looking gilled creature skipping rocks. As they approached the child, they watched as he skipped multiple rocks dozens of times across the water. He introduced himself as Skipper, a nickname his clansmen had given him. Once Skipper was asked about the volcano, he began to seem worried. He explained to the party that the volcano had been acting sporadic the past few weeks, the cause unknown. Skipper advised the group to speak to the king. After drinking potions of water breathing they had previously looted, they began to swim down into the water. Rogar, of sushi (fish) descent, noticed he didn't require

#13 Old Honey Paws / Niamh Backstory Backlash

After leaving the arena, the party decided to go to the town to the northwest (north of the Redwood Forest). The party noticed it was nothing but fey. Sprites, fairies, dryads, satyrs, etc. The sprites took Rogar away and began to play with him in the nearby river. The king then came out of his hut and yelled "ROGAR!" Rogar then tackled the king and began to lick his grizzled face. The party, confused, had many questions. The king said Rogar was raised in this town and was sent away to guard the forest they found him in when he was older. The king introduced himself as "Old Honey Paws" and immediately told the party to stay for the feast.    After eating, the party was taken aside by the king and asked for a skirmish between the king and his guards vs the PCs to see how strong Rogar has become.  During the battle everyone used nonlethal damage, as it was a friendly skirmish. Rogar ended up getting bitten and failed his save against the werebears bite. The PCs eventu

#12 The Giant's Bout / Skolitas Arena

After leaving Rohas, the party went to the caves to the west of the town after seeing strange looking kids playing on the mountains. When entering, they encountered Shenron, and ancient green dragon. He told the party that everyone was a descendant of his great grandparents who were a dragon and dwarf. As the dragon was speaking, the mountain shook and giant boulders fell from the ceiling. He protected the party with his enormous wing and told them about the giants fighting on the peak.  The party climbed the mountain and seen 3 stone giant and 3 cloud giants attacking each other for the control of the mountain. After watching the battle conclude, the cloud giant was the only one standing. He took a meditative stance and began meditating. The party questioned the giant about what was going on. The giant told them that the stone giants were tired of having control of the lower mountains and wanted it all, and they have never been aggressive towards the cloud giants before. After exchan

#11 Rohas, the Diseased Village

 This was a fun one. It's what I call a "Scooby Doo Session". They had a rough time investigating and started to get flustered so I sped it along. I made this creature with the help of my DM from my other campaign. After every long rest, the monster steals stat points from all of the sinner/evil creatures. Had the players roll a d6 to see what stat would be randomly stolen.  The party entered town and noticed sickly people. They did some investigating and noticed there was no alcohol at the bar/inn. Just 'root beer'. It wasn't called that, but it was a sugary drink that the mayor makes from all the sugarcane farms surrounding the village.  After a few drinks, they went to their rooms. After they woke up all they knew is that they feel weaker. They went to visit the mayor about the drink, which they found nothing suspicious except his father is ill. They went to the docks to find the only fisherman was doing exceptionally well, and caught him in a lie that he b

#10 The Underdark

 I wanted to do something with the characters backgrounds, or lack thereof, so I told Emmley that a feeling of 'home' was nearby. The party followed it and found a hidden cave leading to the underdark. They followed the cave path down and found a lone dwarf mining ore. As they were engaging in conversation, a Roper snatched him up, pulled him up, and munched on him.  Rogar and Emmley both failed their saves, got grappled and reeled toward its mouth. After they both got free, they ran away from it.  The party kept trucking forward and got to a huge plains-like area with giant mushrooms and tiny mushroom caps sticking out of the ground. Emmley managed to use hand signals to communicate with them to avoid battle. She taught the Myconids how to wave, and the hundreds of them waved as they continued down the path.    The party eventually came to a drow city where everyone there was under the impression that their "god" Lolth. Lolth was getting free food as sacrifices, that