#15 Smoldering Volcano's Apex

 After defeating the handful of Fire Elementals, the party trekked on to find a man standing along the path to the peak. (Gave them an opportunity for a surprise round) The party rolled pretty low perceptions and just seen he was a red skinned man that looked bored. Emmley wanted to speak with the man, but he didn't care for what she had to say. As soon as they got in his line of sight, he started to hurl balls of fire at the party. The Efreeti had a few pet fire snakes that accompanied him to take some aggro off of him. The party was on a VERY thin path, roughly 10-15 wide in spots. Barbados the Barbarian and Rogar the Fighter took the front line while Niamh and Emmley struggled with vision from the back lines. Emmley decided to go prone and shoot through the large Rogar's legs landing numerous blows. Niamh hopped on Rogar's back and flung a few mistakable scorching rays at the snakes who are immune to the damage type. 

Once the party managed to kill the snakes and half health the Efreeti, he decided to fly up 30 ft, cast invisibility, use his next turn to get behind the party and slash Niamh with his scimitars. After a few grueling turns of completely beating the crap out of the back line, the party managed to destroy the Efreeti. 

The party took their 3rd long rest in the volcano (LOL I'm a generous DM) and made their way to the peak. The party ALL failed their will saves and were feared by the massive Adult dragon at the top. The dragon was fighting a pair of special giants, fire and storm. The fire giant dual wielded a set of spiked tower shields, slammed them into the rocky volcanic ground to form a wall as the dragon used his fire breath on the duo. The storm giant crouched behind the shield wall while the fire giant jumped on top of the shields and propelled himself forward through the fire breath and punched the dragon in between the eyes. As the giant was falling the dragon reached him and slammed the giant on the ground. The storm giant stood up and ran toward the dragon, pulled out her greatsword that crackled with lightning, slashed him twice as Emmley managed to sink an arrow into the dragon's hide. As she shot the arrows, she got smashed by the tail of the dragon. The fire giant stood up, grabbed his shields from the ground and slammed them together against the dragons legs, leaving some of the spikes inside of the hide. The storm giant took another two swings at the dragon, taking him down. 

The party didn't lower their weapons, afraid that the giants would attack. The giant once again shoved his shields into the ground and approached the party. After telling the party about how the dragon has been attacking the volcano and the giant's forge for weeks, he finally called upon his storm giant cousin to come assist. The dragon has never attacked or been hostile toward the giant before and he told the PCs that something was off with the dragon. He offered his services to the party and Niamh asked for a talon from the dragon and Barbados asked for a shield made of dragon scales. The party received their items and left the volcano. 

The party has been made aware that the story is about to become VERY difficult. After cutting all ties with Debura and having nothing but their non-existent relationship with Iris (the archmage they met a while ago) that they refused to build up, they have nowhere to turn. 

Will Iris take them under his wing and request their assistance in the upcoming and inevitable catastrophe. 

Maybe they will meet a new ally?

Will they be completely screwed and have no help with Debura's shenanigans? 

Find out next time on Dragon Ba.. wait no. 


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