#14 The Smoldering Vertex Volcano

 After the grueling fight with Niamh's old clan, the PCs decided to head to the volcano that has started to spew bursts of fire ( not lava ). Storm clouds had appeared over the peak of the volcano, and ONLY over the peak of the volcano. Lightning began to strike into it, piquing the interest of the players. On their way to the shore closest to the volcano, they noticed a strange looking gilled creature skipping rocks. As they approached the child, they watched as he skipped multiple rocks dozens of times across the water. He introduced himself as Skipper, a nickname his clansmen had given him. Once Skipper was asked about the volcano, he began to seem worried. He explained to the party that the volcano had been acting sporadic the past few weeks, the cause unknown. Skipper advised the group to speak to the king. After drinking potions of water breathing they had previously looted, they began to swim down into the water. Rogar, of sushi (fish) descent, noticed he didn't require the use of a potion. The party came across a cavern on the side of the land and swam into it.

 Upon surfacing they noticed a colony of triton looking creatures. The made their way to land inside the cavern and seen the walls sparkle baby blue as if it was embedded with light colored sapphires. The party was then greeted by a practicing diver, which they asked to speak to the king. The 'triton' then escorted them to the king, where they had a informative conversation about the volcano and the surrounding waters. The king told the party the volcano was emitting warmer temperatures than normal, and the volcano has been dormant for many generations. The 'tritons' were unable to survive in such temperature waters and would soon have to vacate their home. The party took it upon themselves to search the cave and find the cause of the strange behavior. Before leaving the king gifted the party with temporary gills, allowing them to breathe underwater for longer periods of time than the potions would grant. After visiting the shop, the party headed toward the volcano.

*The first 'encounter' the party came across were a family of docile plesiosaurus swimming swiftly across their path. A few moments later, they noticed a shaded creature in the distance that seemed to be in the same shape as the dinosaurs. Instead of following the herd, the figure seemed to be coming directly for them. The party soon discovered it wasn't a dinosaur.. it was a hydra.

The party had a REALLY rough time with this. They managed to destroy numerous heads, causing it to regrow to a total of 11 heads, each with their own attack. Once the hydra was defeated, they ventured toward the cave unbothered. Once they had surfaced through the underwater entrance, they felt the immense head of the volcano, and decided to rest through it. While sleeping the elf, Emmley, noticed a group of Fire Elemental traveling down the path from the apex toward them. She seen the elementals were not in a hurry, or even seen the party, but seemed to be a group of friends goofing around. She told the party of her findings when they woke. The party decided to ambush the elementals, beginning an extensive fight. 

*The elemental fight was intense. Between the 4 elementals engulfing the party in flames and the lack of room to move around ( about 10-15 feet wide path). The party managed to persevere through the extreme heat of the volcano on top of being set ablaze. Rogar took his actions to... eliminate his liquid waste on the party to douse the flames numerous times. 

Rogar peed on them. They now reek of dehydrated sushi urine. 


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