#7 Takedown of Robel

Debura sent the party to demolish the Kingdom of Robel from the inside out. He mentioned his butler, Sebas, had been there scouting the area. Upon entering Robel, they met up with the informant. Sebas told the party that the 5 advisors of the king run the kingdom while the king never leaves the castle. Once a week they meet, and they are in said meeting at the time. As the advisors left the castle and went their separate ways, the party followed one of them to the north east towards the docks. 

Upon reaching the docks, they quickly learned Olson wasn't very friendly. As a shipment arrived, they searched the barrels and got a copy of the ledger. From what they could tell, nothing fishy was going on. Emmley wanted to throw one of the barrels into the water (failed her check) and fell in with the barrel. As she made it back to shore, she seen another advisor looking sketchy and go into a house. The party followed and found that the advisors were having their nightly card game. All of the advisors were there. Olson then told the advisors about the dragonborn, drow, and giant sushi creature snooping around, to be on their guard.

Zero, head of Security (monk)


Cocco, head of Slave Trade (ranger)


Cygnaeus, head of Drug Trade (Sorcerer)


Olson, head of Smuggling Trade (Rogue)

Zweden, head of Gambling Trade (Paladin)


Everyone but Zero was at the table, Zero was standing at the corner of the room. The group waited and listened as the advisors talked. They called themselves 6 Fingers. They talked of shipments that weren't on the ledger, when they were arriving, etc.

The party left and followed the drunken Cygnaeus home. The next day, the party went back to find Olson's shipment he left off the ledger. Skooma, purple flowers. They were putting the crates of skooma into a secret tunnel that led to Cygnaeus' home. Niamh confronted him alone in the tunnel and intimidated the living crap out of him. (at least 6 checks of 15+ intimidating. I just ignored the encounter altogether) He gave her the metal finger necklace around his neck. 

***At this time, while Niamh was intimidating Olson, Emmley was getting chased around town by Zero. She had previously peed in a vial which she threw at Zero and he used Deflect Missiles to catch, and throw it back at her, hitting her in the back.. covering her in her own urine.***

The party waited until night and staked out Cygnaeus' home. Upon entering her home, Niamh attacked her while Emmley rummaged through the stash of skooma, (failed her CON save) and got addicted to it. As the fight persisted upstairs, Emmley decided to lay on the couch as she was stoned silly. Upon the defeat of the drug lord, Niamh took the 2nd finger key. The party then took a long rest in the bushes outside of her house. 

Emmley was sober, and now being choked out by Cocco, the slave trader. The party then woke and fought Cocco, taking the 3rd key. After almost TPK, the party decided to rest in the slums, which caused the nearby skooma addicts to steal Emmley's sack she had stashed some skooma in. 

After gathering more information about Zweden from the towns merchants, they knew he was in the north part of the kingdom collecting taxes. The party ventured up there, trapped him in an alleyway and had a rough time defeating him, collecting the 4th finger key. 

Knowing only Zero was left, they went to his security hut, finding the hidden ledger where forbidden shipments were. As the party left his hut, they seen Zero making his way toward them. The party stood their ground and fought him there. After taking the 5th key, they took them to the metal door on the side of the castle, opening the door. 

As they got inside the dark castle, they noticed the king was on his throne. The king said he was the sixth finger, and as they were standing before him, he knew his advisors were dead. He then attacked the party and transformed (he's an Oni). After numerous rounds of self healing, they finally brought him down, the kingdom to follow. 

Upon getting back to Baleek, Debura told the group that kingdom was going to go on lockdown, that too much heat had been coming back to them, and they wanted to lay low. He told the party to venture outward and search the lands for bigger and better things.


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