#6 Takedown of Bebad

The characters were once again called from their rooms, to speak with Debby in the arena. This time, he wasn't as playful. He asked the party to attack the city they began their journey in, Bebad. The king was corrupt and was stealing all of the money from the guild, taking more taxes than normal, and letting his people die. Debura was expelling the dragons from the orbs, sending them ahead to destroy Bebad. The party shortly headed out to the city. 

Upon entering Bebad, they were immediately shot at and fought their way into the main castle. The guards gave the party a rough fight before they were inside the main castle, but they made their way inside while undead stormed the city, assisting in the takeover. 

The party fought through archers, clerics, and the king. 

As the king fell, a portal opened and a guardian from Baleek came through, throwing the corpses back through. 

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