#3 Axio

 After entering town for their reward, the party noticed everyone was gone. Nothing was there, nobody in the streets. It was empty. The party got their reward, learned an army from the south was attacking and everyone in town was outside attempting to defend. 

Emmley saw this as an opportunity to break into a first class citizens home and rummage through everything. Upon not finding "a stack of gold just sitting there" (her words) they exited to assist the townsfolk. 

As the army appeared from the south, the army of Bebad readied. A shadow dragon flew overhead and used his breath weapon on the opposing army, taking out 75%+. Bebad's army was roughly 300 people to Robel's 1500+. Robel's army retreated, the dragonrider Axio landed, forced his way into the kings tent through his guards, and asked for the strongest of warriors. Otherwise, he would destroy Bebad. The king was at a loss for words, but he insured Axio that nobody would join him.

Axio exited the tent and asked the army the same question. Only the strongest may join him. A local bard and a hulking barbarian stepped forward. Axio faced the bard and asked if he was afraid of death. The bard, anxious, replied with a short "no". Axio raised a finger and obliterated the close standing barbarian while maintaining eye contact with the bard. The bard then wept for his friend, and got back in line with the others. 

Out from the bushes came Emmley, asking to join. Axio laughed and said maybe when she was more experienced. He then flew off on his dragon. 

The next day, they had gotten word from Axio that he would give the party a chance to prove themselves. He informed the party of multiple tribes to the southwest that the kind of Bebad was trying to recruit for his army. Axio wanted the party to eliminate the tribes. Upon agreement, they set out for the southernmost tribe, the Yellowbellies. A weak and passive tribe, the party told them of Axio's plan. The tribe of lizardfolk ran into the forest. Shortly after leaving, a henchman (Cocytus, a chuul) of Axio's asked where the bodies of the tribe was, that they knew what was asked of them. He threatened to report back to Axio of their disobedience if they didn't track the lizardfolk down and kill them. 

The party deemed it was best if they did just that. They tracked down the tribe and slaughtered every last one of them. A portal then opened in which Cocytus and the party lept through. (Similar to the one at the graveyard).

Upon exiting the portal was a throneroom, Axio sitting on the throne. He pulled back his hood to reveal his identity. An undead. A skeleton. He introduced himself as Debura. (The party calls him Debby).

Debby told the PCs that everything in Baleek is at their disposal. The training arena, the shop, the blacksmith, everything. He offered them rooms, and would call upon them when he had another task. What they had done that day had earned his trust.

Lich – The Mask of Reason


Did I mess up by offering someone to join him? Sure. 

Did it mess up my campaign plans? Definitely.

Do I regret it? Not one bit. 

After showing off Debura's power, I expected everyone, PCs included, to be scared. Not the case for a nine year old evidently. 

I have a much better story planned now. :D


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