#2 The Cemetary

 The party returned with Rogar to Bebad to receive their reward. Rogar did his best to poke his head inside the guild (he's roughly 8ft tall/8ft wide/8ft long). A bystanding half orc seen a monster poking his head in and decided to start swinging his great axe. The party talked him down and convinced him to join (my buddy). The party picked up Lana, a healer (homebrew class) to accompany as well. They picked up another quest to investigate the nearby cemetery. Guards have gone missing, civilians aren't returning after visiting graves. After accepting the quest, they headed out. 

Upon reaching the cemetery gates, Rogar smashed through and the party followed. The interrupted a ritual that a hooded character was having. He summoned numerous zombies and a zombie ogre. The party had an easy time dealing with them all but just after the strange hooded man walked through a portal. 

 Ogre Zombie Image



I gave them a healer because.. well.. why not? I didn't want to kill them, and I wanted to give them an easy start to the campaign. 

Lana's backstory: Her family had a special illness that required special medicine/magic she couldn't cast. She was at the adventurers guild trying to find a group to help her earn some money for the medicine. 


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