#1 Rogar, Guardian of the Forest

The party was running low on provisions, and decided to take a trip to the nearby town, Bebad. As the party entered town, they could immediately tell it was in chaos. The crier called out that all able bodies were needed by the adventurer's guild to rid the monsters that have taken control of numerous parts of the land. The group quickly made their way to the guild and after waiting half a day in line, they picked up their first quest.

Monsters were sprouting out of the forest like flies, and asked to party to rid of them. After a few hour travel, the party came to the "Peculiar Forest". The party encountered a few snakes followed by a large snake. After taking out the slithering fiends, they heard rumbling from the forest. The fabled guardian. The group ensured their newly found friend if he was to assist them, they would come back periodically to check the forest. 

Rogar looks like Hamsuke from Overlord, but looks like a walking talking salmon nigiri. Something that my wife crochets and they adore. A sushi cat.

DM NOTES: The party needed a front line. I gave them Rogar as just that. He runs off the fighter tree, gains all of the benefits with a specialized weapon I gave him. 

Headbutt: 1d8 bludgeoning

Initially, I wanted to add some sort of CC to go with it. "DC x or be prone" or "If attacked twice by headbutt they fall prone" but, with the bump I gave to the tail, I quickly changed that. Months into the campaign, I still question myself on this every time I see his sheet.

Barbed Tail: 1d6 piercing DC 11 con, or be stunned for a turn. 

Early on, this helped them... A LOT. As of 1/10, they are level 10 and the chance that he hits (has extra attack) and they fail the dc, is pretty low. He's just a sponge they've grown attached to at this point with an occasional clutch stun.


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