Session 0 - Meet the Players/Backstory + Map

Niamh (Pronounced Niave) the Dragonborn Sorcerer (The Wifey)

The ONLY backstory I actually received:

"I watch from the darkness in the corner as the Sorcerer Daardenian Balasar slowly turns the pages of his dog-eared spellbook. Little does he know, that I have long coveted his magic and books for years now. I have snuck into his large hut many times to view what lies within the pages of those books. I have learned many small spells, and have seen many dark visions. The darkness calls to me. It has called to me since I was quite small, when the sorcerer murdered my family. I was the only one to escape. For years, I have lived on my own, feeding off of scraps of food that have been discarded. Clothed in ragged fragments of clothing. I have continued to thrive out of pure spite. But this evening, I will finally strike. I will kill the sorcerer and take this magical books.

I make no sound as I slither from the darkness. In a flash, I am upon him. His hateful eyes lock onto my own as I plunge my small dagger deep into his neck. As his life blood spills onto the hard dirt floor, I hear a loud fluttering of wings. His familiar, a large raven, took flight and soared awayout of the open window. Probably to get help. I must no linger here any longer. I spring up and behin throwing as many spellbooks as I can into my large satchel. As I pick up the final book, I heard the tolling of the warning bell. They know. They are coming. I take one final look at the dying sorcerer, and I leap out the door, into the night. 

Running.. Running in the dark. I can sense them. Voices, and torches, pursuing me, drawing ever closer. I stumble over broken rocks and tangled roots in the darkness. Whip-like branches slash deep into my face and neck as I flee. The satchel on my back is heavy, and I can feel my strength ebbing away. I must make it to safety. I run for the mountains. I send a silent plea for help to the Dark Mother, Tiamat. As if in answer, I feel a surge of energy and I am able to put quite some distance between myself and those that are hunting me. After many miles, some hint of intuition calls to me and I veer away from my current path to find a small opening in the rock wall of the mountain. I squeeze into the small space. It is a tunnel leading down into the dark, under the mountain. I follow it to a large system of caves far below. Glowing lichen ensures that the space is well lit. I make the decision to stay here.

I will stay and take my time to learn the arcane arts from my stolen bounty of books. I will master these dark forces and learn to bend them to my will and when I am ready, I will rise up from the dark and wage war upon the light and all that is good. I am no longer Daardenian Niamh. I am Niamh, the clanless, Sorcerer of the Darkness."

Emmley the Drow Ranger  (9 YO daughter)

(She STILL hasn't given me a backstory, but I managed to squeeze something out of her)

Emmley is from the Underdark, did some naughty things, and got kicked out. She was living in a cave when Niamh joined her.

Barbados the Half Orc Barbarian (My buddy who comes to play from time to time)

Again, no backstory from this guy. Haven't asked since he's rarely here. I just threw something together for his first appearance to the group.


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